For more than thirty-five years, this trusted review has provided students, residents, and fellows with a solid background in the aspects of pulmonary physiology that are essential for an understanding of clinical medicine. The book clearly describes how and why the human respiratory system works in a style that is easy to absorb and integrate with your existing knowledge of other body systems.
Pulmonary Physiology West Pdf Free
For more than 40 years, West's Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials has remained a critical resource for medical and allied health students learning the basics of respiratory physiology as well as an effective, quick review for residents and fellows in pulmonary medicine, critical care, anesthesiology, and internal medicine as they prepare for licensing and other exams. The eleventh edition incorporates updates in many areas including blood-tissue gas exchange, mechanics, control of ventilation and the respiratory system under stress; all designed to aid clear understanding of pulmonary physiology.
The journal mainly focuses on human pulmonary and respiratory health. Focus topics include the lungs, respiration (oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange), respiratory diseases, epidemiology, treatments, recent advances and therapeutic interventions. Tobacco usage, family history, obesity, HIV/AIDS, diet, and chemical exposures that are the major risk factors for respiratory diseases constitute a significant portion of the scope of the journal. Through open access, published work is freely available, and upon acceptance and formatting, becomes immediately available to other professionals.
The PLAPS-profile designates PosteroLateral Alveolar and/or Pleural Syndrome. PLAPS are sought for after detection of an A-profile (a pattern compatible with pulmonary embolism) and of a free venous network (a pattern making the diagnosis of embolism less likely). The profile combining A-profile, free veins, and PLAPS is called A-V-PLAPS-profile.